Friday, 27 July 2012

July Recap, SNE loading..

   Hey guys!


     Here i am as promised, i'll tell very quickly how my life was this month, i played 210 hours of poker and studied about 30 hours ish which makes a total of 240 hours marathon slightly 50% more than a usual worker.
   I've been also going to Krav maga classes, for those who are not aware in what it consists, you can watch the video below: Krav maga is a non competitive martial art, developed in Israel with no fighting rules, nowadays used by Israelian defense special forces is also known as self defence technique for civilians.
   I've been going very consistently because beside getting me prepared for possible situations in the future and it also helps to relax, it does! Imagine yourself fighting one hour and then + one hour of poker, i'm sure bad beats won't hurt as much =)

   The goal this month was to finish the month with 100k vpp's playing 30$ - 60$ and some sweet 100$'s.

    The good news is that i also end up the month up pre-rakeback. And i'm 5th at the 30$ hypers leaderboard.
    The best news are that i still make a lot of mistakes so there's a LOT of space for improvement! :D


   Goal for August:
      150k vpp's.
      200+ hours of work
      20+ hours studying
     finish positive pre-rake
     Attend to all Krav maga classes.
     Spend time w/family + gf + friends if the free days!

    ps: sorry any speeling mistakes didn't have time to check

    See you soon!

Sunday, 1 July 2012

I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.

    Hey guys,
       Thomas Jefferson is always a good start of a long post but i'm just going to make a quick recap of what happened the last weeks.. My approach to the games had some flaws and they were partially fixed since 1st June and good results came suddenly, maybe pure luck? 

    As i'm not a great believer in luck, i rely on the fact that my strattegy is changed so is working!

      Uranus Leadeboard Prize

        Last week i won the Uranus 2nd place tied with my friend quadchrazs, so money was split.

    ''Hello bettinglife,

Congratulations on your performance in last week's Sit & Go Leader Boards. A cash prize of USD 600.00 has been credited to your account. This credit can be viewed under the History section on the PokerStars Cashier.''

    This may look awsome, but i was in the 1st place initially and i thought it was over so it was one of those moments like in football when you score a goal and is ofside..

     Year results

       As for results, finally the tree is giving some fruits of the hard work, dedication and discipline required over the last months, i had my best month as a poker professional, and considering the fact that i live a very cheap life, this becomes intelectually fulfilling.

     Recap, last 6 months 10 - 30$ hyper games.


     Ps. As i said in the last post, '' nest post i'll be crushing'' :P

    See you